Thursday, August 2, 2018

Github Backup for Organization with Script

I'm not a github wizard, but I needed to backup the repos on our organization by cloning them all, where most of the repositories are private. After playing around I found a script that would work in the windows git console below. The text in read is what you change.

  1. Go to: and generate a personal access token. Make sure you write it down because it will disappear afterwards
  2. In the below code, orgname is the name of your organization, and your_access_token is the token you just generated, you will also need to run it for each page.

CNTX=orgs; NAME=orgname; ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token; PAGE=1
curl "$CNTX/$NAME/repos?page=$PAGE&per_page=100&access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" |
  grep -e 'clone_url*' |
  cut -d \" -f 4 |
  xargs -L1 git clone

Echo Dots Not Turning On After Switching Location, Solid Blue Ring

When I moved, my Echo Dots were only giving me a solid blue line instead of activating. Turns out you really need to use the USB cables that come with them. I had tried to use some random ones that were lying around.

Comcast Xfinity Illogical Equipment Transfer

Long story short, I moved from one location to another and tried to use my modem. Because Comcast services are incredibly unhelpful, instead of allowing me to use my original account, they made me create a new account and transfer the credentials. When they removed my modem off my old account and I tried to activate the services at the new location they got 'illogical equipment transfer'

I spent over an hour on the phone with them not being able to figure it out. This is more or less the same issue documented on reddit here, they wanted me to drive to a service center and have it scanned :(

The solution? Use the Chat tool! The person in the chat window managed to resolve the problem in like 15 min.