Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Webex Not Working on Windows 10

I was trying to attend a Webex on my tablet which uses Windows 10 and I got "Invalid input or system error. Please try again or contact your site administrator."

This is extremely concerning for people who have a lot of meetings. Thankfully I found this thread the solution is to pick a browser you are not using and Right Click > Properties > Compatibility > Compatibility Mode > Run this program in compatibility mode and it totally works.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Google Chromecast 2nd Gen Oops Something Went Wrong Error

I tried to setup a brand new Chromecast and I kept getting to the point where you connect it to the wifi and then on the screen the Chromecast itself keeps loading, but on the computer it says "Oops Something Went Wrong" with red text. This repeatedly happened no matter what I tried. I ended up fixing it by doing the setup processes on a different computer.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file.

CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-741] No write access right to the local Tcl store at '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/XilinxTclStore'. XilinxTclStore is reverted to the installation area. If you want to use local Tcl Store, please change the access right and relaunch Vivado.
ERROR: [Common 17-1257] Failed to create directory '/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/tclapp'.
Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file. Reason: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/vivado.ini (Permission denied)'
Failed to create the shortcut directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/shortcuts'
Failed to create the layout directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/layouts/application'
Failed to create the commands directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/commands'
Failed to create the layout directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/layouts/'
Failed to create directory: /home/user1/.profile
Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file. Reason: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/vivado.ini (Permission denied)'
Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file. Reason: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/vivado.ini (Permission denied)'

Reference AR

Fixed everything by:

  •  Open Terminal
  • Changing Directory to .Xilinx in the home directory
  • Change Directory to /Vivado 
  • running sudo chmod -R 777 *

Transfer Files between Windows 7 Host and VirtualBox Ubuntu


Excellent post that covers all the options to do this. The one that worked easiest for me was to install "Guest Additions" using the option to load it from CD in the Virtualbox, then enabling drag and drop and setting it to bidirections.

Ubuntu x64 in Virtualbox has small screen


I recently created a new Ubuntu 14.04 in a virtualbox and it had a super small screen. I needed to install "guest additions"

I ran this:

But unfortunately it didn't get big right after a reboot. I ended up launching Xdiagnose from the Dash, and enabling all the options under the debug section.