Friday, May 19, 2017

Google Mail (GMail) Back Up

Best tool for backing up all things Google is with something called Google Takeout. See an article describing it here:

You can directly access the location here:

Cannot Locate Contact after restoring the contact from "recently deleted" in GSuite

Another admin accidentally deleted an account instead of suspending it in GSuite. I went to "Recently Deleted Contacts" and restored the user, but was unable to find them in the Console under "Users." It turns out when you restore unfortunately, it won't appear in the console under "Users" until google propagates it which could take up to 24 hrs. If you want to check the status manually, go to "Admin Console" > " Apps" > "G Suite" > "Gmail" > "Email Addresses" Then you can see his account there, and suspend it.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

ISE Project Navigator crashes opening up a project

As stated in the subject, I ended up finding the solution here:

Running Windows 10 x64, Xilinx ISE 14.7

Pasted below for posterity

For everyone trying to use Xilinx ISE 14.5 in Windows 8 x64.

Rename libPortability.dll to libPortability.dll.orig, and copy libPortabilityNOSH.dll to libPortability.dll.

Do this in:
C:\Xilinx\14.5\ISE_DS\common\lib\nt64 (copy dll from first location)

This turns off SmartHeap.

This will fix ISE and iMPACT crashes on file dialogs.