Saturday, January 30, 2016

Windows Update Endless Loop Booting Error

So I recently got into a terrible situation where my computer failed updates so I kept seeing the following two messages, even in safe mode:

Preparing to configure Windows….
Do not turn off your computer.

Failure configuring windows updates reverting changes….
Do not turn off your computer  

There were a LOT of posts, but none of them actually helped since most involved you being able to get into safe mode and I couldn't because I would see those messages. I found this reddit post that most effectively outlines my issue:  HERE

Another good reference HERE

A list of the things I tried just like the post:
  • Unplugged external media (including CD/DVD player) (Did nothing)
  • Boot into Last Known Good Configuration (Did nothing)
  • Delete cleanup.xml / pending.xml (they were not actually there)
  • Run SFC (failed stated that a recovery process had to run first)
  • System Restore (Probably would have worked but I didn't have any at the time) 
  • Windows 7 repair disc 

 Just like the guy in the reddit post, I basically left it alone after attempting to boot into safe mode with command prompt, 24 hours later, magically at the screen. Sorry, doesn't seem like I have a good solution either.

Monday, January 11, 2016

[Upgrade Selected] button in IP Status / Report IP is Grayed Out

So I made a quick change to my IP and found that the [upgraded selected] button was greyed out. As a typical Xilinx debug solution, exiting out of Vivado and reloading was the solution This AR report hints that whenever something is greyed out there is possibly a problem with the license.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Molecular Level Fallout 4 no faction alignment

I noticed the quest gave me the option to seek aid from a faction. Which seems to indicate you can do it yourself without seeking help. Turns out it is not intuitive to do it yourself. Basically you NEED to talk to a faction first and then do a few steps and it resets the quest progress.
  1.  After getting the plans from Virgil go to Desdemona 
  2. She tells you to talk to Tinker Tom
  3. Talk to him and listen to him talk about what you need 
  4. After he is finished talking, trade with him and get the schematics back 
  5. The quest will then reset and the Relay will appear in your workshop menu
Some other forums have posted the bonus of seeking help is they describe how to do everything.

Solution was originally mentioned on this page, unfortunately it only has 1 upvote :( Someone also mentions that it is not possible to do it with the minute men because he isn't a store normally so the schematics do not appear (haven't confirmed that though)