Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Individually Animate Smart Art Graphics

So it turns out there is actually an option to individually animate Smart Art, I hate using it, but a deck I was editing had it, you can actually select [Effect Options], it looks like a color wheel, and select "Animate One By One"


Animation Numbers Do Not Appear in Powerpoint

So this was incredibly frustrating, I was editing a huge presentation and the animation numbers were not appearing in the slide. It turns out this is a weird known bug. But basically, if you download a powerpoint straight from the web and open it, sometimes it will not load the numbers. You need to close it an manually open it from explorer



Sunday, March 11, 2018

Searching for Styles in Word

I was editing format for a proposal and apparently the editor is extremely specific about certain styles. In a huge 100+ page document, I needed to check how many times that style appears. It turns out you can do:
  1. ctrl+f, click the down arrow and choose [Advanced Find]
  2. Make sure the "Find what:" box is empty
  3. Click "More >>" 
  4. The [No Formatting] button should already be Greyed out, if it is not, click it 
  5. Click on the Format Button, select the style and click okay, you will see it added that under the "Find what:" dialogue

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Low-Priority Printing Example

I can't find my OS book that talks about the story where there was an MIT printer that didn't print some low priority jobs, because it was so busy with the high priority it never had time. I can't seem to find that example, but I did find a different one from computer world. Here is the example:
