Sunday, August 30, 2015

Windows 10 Upgrade for Razer Edge Pro

I'll just say this. I was tired of Windows 8, I really missed my start menu. Windows 10 brought it back!

I did a fresh install of Windows 8.1 on my Razer Edge Pro, and upgraded flawlessly to Windows 10 using their migration button in the task menu. As noted in the Razer Insider forum posts, the Auto-rotation feature will be disabled because Windows 10 won't be able to find the drivers for the sensors sadly.

One issue I encountered was with the Windows 10 installation itself I got error "Windows Update Installation Failure 80240020"

This was solved for me using this thread:

The summary is:
  1. Locate the registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade]
  2. It should exist, but if not, create it.
  3. Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value = 0x00000001.

I also needed to load the cmd prompt and do the auwuclt.exe/updatenow trick.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

uMod Could Not Send to Game, Could not find hash, maybe file is not named as *

So I actually ran into this when changing some textures in Diablo III using uMod. All the textures I had previously worked, so as you can imagine I was surprised to get the error. I think it should have been much simpler to find the solution, basically, if you are getting this is likely the texture you are trying to replace is not present. In the case of Diablo III the textures were renamed. I ended up hunting down the textures manually.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Skyrim Crashes to Desktop (CTD) when looting chests or opening bodies

This actually happened to me when I was trying to click on the body (Gunjar's body) in the tutorial. I ended loading another save file and discovered it occurred when even trying to open chests. I read a bunch of posts and many suggested it could be one of the following:

  • Mod Load Order 
  • Conflicts with Animation Skeleton (X32 Max Skeleton)
  • Corrupt Save
  • Verifying Configuration for missing files with Steam
  • Defrag Machine
  • Video Quality Settings 
  • SkyUI 
  • Heavily Scripted Mods, FNIS etc...

Here is a good reference post:

Post #3 more or less had my issue

Turned out there was actually only one issue in that huge list above, the culprit was SkyUI. I had the really old SkyUI and when I updated to the newer SkyUI I didn't fully uninstall the older version and it was having conflicts since some files were moved to the .esp of the new SkyUI where they were folders before. I deleted the old SkyUI stuff and I haven't had a problem since!