Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hilarious Xilinx Capitalization Error

So funny story, ran into this crazy xilinx error:

ERROR:EDK - IPNAME:[IPName] INSTANCE:IPNAME_0 - C:\Users\[location]\l.srcs\sources_1\edk\module_1\dump.mhs line 518 - Invalid ip name. IP name cannot have upper case characters.

This is that your actual IP core name cannot have any capital letters when you actually use the peripheral creation wizard. GAH!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

14.7 PlanAhead - [Constraints 18-5] Cannot loc terminal "XX_n" at site XX; loc is blocked

So this is a pretty annoying error. The solution is detailed

here:AR# 43315

and here also discusses it: Xilinx Forums

Under the [Project Manager] on the Left side of plan ahead, go to "Implementation Settings"

Under the Section for [Translate (ngdbuild)]  go to "More Options*" and type in:

-uc filelocation

^ use forward slashes / for the location like C:/Users/Xilinx/system.ucf

You MUST remove the constraints file from the project too to get the warnings to disappear.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Error Launching PTC Windchill Quality Solution


Could not connect to net.tcp://[host]:[port]/Relex.Security/IAccessManager. The connection attempt lasted for a time span of ##:##:##.#######. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

When I was googling around for this error all I could get were comments on SQL server. The solution is to restart some PTC services that have been turned off: