Tuesday, December 27, 2016

POP3 Email doesn't work for other Gmail

Unfortunately, I had to change my gmail password for a secondary email. After I did this, obviously POP3 didn't work because the credentials changed. I was having an AUTH error that looked like this:
 "Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password.
        Server returned error: [AUTH] Web login required: https://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=78754"

This is what worked for me:


1- Sign into the old Gmail account first ( the one you are trying to fetch mail from )

2 -  you may need to Enable less-secure Apps for that account >> https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps

Then sign in to the new Gmail account ( the one you are trying to fetch mail into )  and set up Mailfetcher within the 10 minute window you are allowed.

 if the above suggestion  doesnt work , there are more options listed here https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 for example changing the password on the account you want to fetch FROM

NOTE if you use 2-step on the account you want to fetch FROM then you need to create an application specific password  >> https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Add Labels for Each Point in a Scatter Graph

Followed the Instructions here:

  • Select cell range B3:C11
  • Go to tab "Insert"
  • Click the "scatter" button
  • Right click on a chart dot and left click on "Add Data Labels"
  • Right click on a dot again and left click "Format Data Labels"
  • A new window appears to the right, deselect X and Y Value.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Windows 10 Phone Can't Send Email (Reply / Forward)

Recently discovered Windows 10 phone breaks my gmail and I can't reply or forward messages in my inbox. Original solution here: link

You need to delete and recreate your gmail account. Honestly Windows 10 phone added some nice features, but what it broke is insanely messed up....I'm moving to an android.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Windows 10 Phone Bluetooth Setting remains grayed out and unselectable after turning it off

 I had an issue where I turned the "Status" of my windows phone bluetooth to Off and it would never let me turn it back on. The solution is to drag down from the top of the screen to see the mini tile menu, you can restart the bluetooth from there

Southwest Airlines not displaying reservations in Gmail / read .eml files

For some reason the Southwest reservations were not being displayed in the email, attached were a bunch of .eml files, it turns out these have the reservations were in the .emls. For me to view them I simply renamed them to .mht and opened them in IE.


Windows 10 Phone Upgrade Google Calendar Events Set One Hour Later

I had an issue where after my Windows 10 Phone upgraded all my Google calendar events were appearing later than expected. It turns out this was not due to any of the following reasons:
  • Time Zones on either my Outlook Mail or Gmail as some posts suggested 
  • Daylight Savings Time Configuration 
  • Set Date and Time Automatically 
 I read a posts that this may only be an issue for recurring calendar events, but basically Windows 10 actually MOVED my events on my GOOGLE CALENDAR up one hour AND automatically sent out updates to guests. So that is insanely poor design, gmail makes sure to ask me if I want to edit any recurring events in the series, Apparently Windows just did whatever the hell it wanted. Unfortunately, the moved events will NOT appear in the trash, I had to manually drag the calendar entries on my Google Calendar back to where they should have been. I only figured this out because my gmail was cluttered with "updated events" Microsoft really screwed up on this on.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Quick Link to Re-Setup Google Chomecast

I don't known why this doesn't always pop-up when I search but I've recently had to setup a bunch and I keep ending up on the "Set up Chromecast" support page link which is not helpful when all I need is this:

Just click "Set up your chromecast" using this computer

Google Calendar Copy Event

Needed to Copy an event, not do a re-occuring event, just wanted to copy and Edit:

  • Click on the Event to Copy
  • [More Actions] Drop down tab 
  • [Duplicate Event]

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Turn off gray brackets in header in Word 2016

So I had to temporarily change my app local to Japan to run a Japanese game. Anyway when I went into word I had these strange gray brackets appearing in the header section. As described here it turns out they are "Crop Marks" or "Text Boundaries" the guy in that forum had the same issue. Anyway the solution is found here


File > Options > Advanced > Scroll down to "Show Document Content" > Uncheck the Text Boundaries and Crop Marks

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Clustered and Stacked Column and Bar Charts Excel 2016

This was an incredibly annoying issue I had since I could not figure out how to have multiple stacked columns for different categories on a chart. What worked for me was a combination of these two guides:

  1. http://www.exceldashboardtemplates.com/how-to-easily-create-a-stacked-clustered-column-chart-in-excel/ This has good ideas on how to configure the table
  2. http://excelhelphq.com/tutorial-clustered-stacked-column-bar-charts-free/ This actually shows you how to layout the data. Basically, you end up having multiple rows for the same series to have individual columns 

Debugging Diablo 3 with Steam Link and Steam Controller

So I really wanted to use my Steam Controller to play Diablo 3. However, when I added it to Steam and then launched it in Steam Link with the Controller, the sound came through fine, but the Steam Link would not display the actual game playing. Here are some quick recommendations

  • When you add Diablo 3 to steam, go ahead and click the auto program link that pops up, once it has been added to the library: Right Click > Properties > Target > and change this from the Diablo III Launcher.exe to Diablo III.exe. 
  • If you did this properly you should actually see the Diablo III Icon switch from the Red Icon to the Blue Reaper of Souls one, it also means you will have to manually sign into your Blizzard account when the game first launches
  • Since I had the launcher set before, the steam controller was only in the desktop configuration, but once you have it launching the actual game you can see the community configurations for it. The very top one with the most downloads is quite good
  • Once I switched it to the game instead of the launcher it also worked for Steam Link fine.

Friday, August 12, 2016

WNR3500Lv2 Poor Performance, Slow Wifi drops to < 1mbps

We had an old Netgear WNR3500Lv2 and some devices on the network would barely go over 1 mbps. There this post on the Amazon page

YES! I've reported this to Netgear support and all they want me to do is keep sending them proof of purchase information and what not, and not addressing the issue! I had a batch of routers come stock with firmware versions & and both give insanely poor wireless speed tests, barely over 1M. After I installed firmware version, then wireless speed tests matched wired tests. Hope this was helpful to anyone having the same issues! see less 
By James B. on July 10, 2015
The Netgear Community forum had this thread on it Netgear

Re: Slow wireless 1/2mbs WNR3500Lv2

We restarted the router each time. We do not want to go through the trouble to re-configure by a factory reset. We down graded two versions to and got back the speed. You have really got an performance issue for the last two releases! 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Backups for Windchill Quality Solutions 10.2+

I had a failed hard drive recently and with it a corrupted back up. It turns out that Relex / WQS files are not easily saved like a simple .file or .proj it turns out you need to make a backup of your SQL database that was created for Relex. You need to make sure when you installed SQL Server EXPRESS you also installed the management studio tools. If you didn't download the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Sign in with the sa account, or if you forget you might be able to with windows credentials. Expand the Databases heading. Right-click on the database to be migrated and choose Tasks > Back Up. On the Back Up Database window make sure the Backup Type is set to Full. Lastly make sure to actually set a file name / location in by clicking [Add...] intuitively they don't have an automatic name for the .bak setup, so without it you can't actually create the backup. I'd recommend committing this .bak file somewhere safe because without it a migration to a new system is a horrible process.

Once again I'd still like to make note that PTC has excellent support.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Windows Office 2016 seems to be missing fonts from Office 2010

I have no idea why the hell Microsoft would decide not to include some fonts. This ends up breaking several of my presentations on an upgrade to 2016. Why?

Some Examples of Fonts I was Missing (incomplete)
  • Arial Rounded MT Bold
  • Berlin Sans FB
  • Berlin Sans FB Demi 
  • Brittanic Bold
  • Century Gothic
  • Eras Demi ITC
  • Eras Bold ITC
  • Eras Medium ITC
  • Franklin Gothic Book 
  • Harlow Solid Italic
  • Kristen ITC
  • Rockwell Extra Bold 
 Turns out that some fonts are associated with other language packs. You can just get the supplemental fonts back though: Link

The other option was to go to http://www.myfontfree.com/ and just search for them.

WTH Microsoft.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

How install Xilinx tools if the Accessories folder is missing

Turns out you can uninstall through the Xilinx Information Center > Manage Installs, if you don't have the installer around.

Xilinx Vivado 2015.4 Won't Uninstall

I had a hugely fucked up Xilinx Install apparently. The accessories folder was not there, and when I tried to uninstall I got this:

The Program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem


Download the x86 version of this file: Link

Source: Link

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Gmail Timestamps are Incorrect

I could not figure out where the settings were for this anywhere, lots of blog posts show correcting it in the calendar. What worked for me was

  1. Right-Click on Clock > Adjust Date / Time
  2. Set time automatically [on]
  3. Set time zone automatically [off]
  4. Actually set the correct timezone
  5. Adjust for daylight saving time automatically [on] 
  6. Add Clocks for different time zones > Internet Time > Sync > Apply

Windows 10 Network Adapter Disabling at Lockscreen

Could be one of two issues:

Method 1:
Regarding this issue, I suggest we turn off power save on your network adapter:

Step 1: Turn off power management on network adapter:

       Open Network and Sharing Center.
       Click the Change adapter settings link in the upper left of the navigation pane.
       Right click the network connection you want to enable/disable power management support on and click Properties .
       Click Configure .
       On the Power Management tab, clear the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power check box.
Step 2: change settings of wireless network adapter in power option as Maximum performance.

If the issue still persists, considering the power plan settings issue, please help to upload the power report here for further research:

please run this command:

powercfg -energy



Method 2:

Power Options > Change when the computer sleeps >  Put the computer to sleep > Never.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Windows Hello, HP Simple Pass, Authentec / Digital Persona Driver

So I own a Hp Pavillion Dv7 latptop from back in the day.

Originally, I needed the Digital Persona Drivers coupled with HP Simplepass to sign onto my computer.

The new awesome thing is Windows 10 has a brand new feature called Windows Hello.

Basically once you add a "pin" you can sign in without a load of bullshit.

The original thread I found to help me out was here:

In Short

  1. Download the Windows 10 Lenovo Driver here "Validity Fingerprint Common Driver"
  2. Resetart the Machine
  3. Go to the Device Manager 
  4. Right Click on the Biometrics Device > Properties > Driver > Update Driver...
  5. [Browse my computer for driver software]
  6. [-> Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer]
  7. Uncheck the [Show compatible hardware]
  8. Select Synaptics FP Sensors (WBF) (PID=0017)
  9. Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options
  10. Create a Pin
  11. Register fingers with Windows Hello 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Xilinx SDK Vivado Issues

Had a new Xilinx Issue with Vivado 2015.4 after a hard drive failed and I had to revert to a back-up clone:

In a project that previously already worked I got

"The following errors were found parsing \directory\system.mss"

In a brand new project, the BSP fails creation of a ton of files giving errors like this:

make[1]: *** [xadcps_sinit.o] Error 1
make[1]: Target `libs' not remade because of errors.
make: *** [ps7_cortexa9_1/libsrc/xadcps_v2_2/src/make.libs] Error 2

 Finally, when trying to create a hello world project I got this:

"The STDOUT parameter is not set on the OS. Hello World requires stdout to be set."

Unfortunately, Google had nothing for me, I did a full reinstall and it works after that. yay fpga development. fml.


Edit. Turns out it is NOT the Xilinx installation. I was using a custom BSP build for standalone that was designed for AMP on the Xilinx forums. I was just unlucky because I had never tried to create a project that wasn't designed to be "Empty" which is the only setting it worked on. For reference Xilinx labels this as standalone_v5_39, you just click on BSP settings and there is a drop down menu to edit. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Removing a Shared File from Google Drive Shared Folder

You know...when you upload a really bad image and want to delete it!
  1. Go to drive.google.com or a Docs, Sheets, or Slides home screen.
  2. Select a file or folder.
  3. In Drive: At the top, click Share . ...
  4. At the bottom right of the "Share with others" window, click Advanced.
  5. Next to the person you want to stop sharing with, click Remove .
  6. Click Save changes.
Source: Here!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Create a PDF with Word Navigation

This actually becomes basically the topic

"From word to pdf including bookmarks"

Just as password protecting, there is actually a "save as" options for saving as pdf that allows you to create bookmarks using headings. See this picture

enter image description here

Source: http://superuser.com/questions/95222/from-word-to-pdf-including-bookmarks

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Webex Not Working on Windows 10

I was trying to attend a Webex on my tablet which uses Windows 10 and I got "Invalid input or system error. Please try again or contact your site administrator."

This is extremely concerning for people who have a lot of meetings. Thankfully I found this thread the solution is to pick a browser you are not using and Right Click > Properties > Compatibility > Compatibility Mode > Run this program in compatibility mode and it totally works.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Google Chromecast 2nd Gen Oops Something Went Wrong Error

I tried to setup a brand new Chromecast and I kept getting to the point where you connect it to the wifi and then on the screen the Chromecast itself keeps loading, but on the computer it says "Oops Something Went Wrong" with red text. This repeatedly happened no matter what I tried. I ended up fixing it by doing the setup processes on a different computer.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file.

CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-741] No write access right to the local Tcl store at '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/XilinxTclStore'. XilinxTclStore is reverted to the installation area. If you want to use local Tcl Store, please change the access right and relaunch Vivado.
ERROR: [Common 17-1257] Failed to create directory '/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/tclapp'.
Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file. Reason: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/vivado.ini (Permission denied)'
Failed to create the shortcut directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/shortcuts'
Failed to create the layout directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/layouts/application'
Failed to create the commands directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/commands'
Failed to create the layout directory: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/layouts/'
Failed to create directory: /home/user1/.profile
Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file. Reason: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/vivado.ini (Permission denied)'
Error: Failed to save the Vivado user preferences file. Reason: '/home/user1/.Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/vivado.ini (Permission denied)'

Reference AR

Fixed everything by:

  •  Open Terminal
  • Changing Directory to .Xilinx in the home directory
  • Change Directory to /Vivado 
  • running sudo chmod -R 777 *

Transfer Files between Windows 7 Host and VirtualBox Ubuntu


Excellent post that covers all the options to do this. The one that worked easiest for me was to install "Guest Additions" using the option to load it from CD in the Virtualbox, then enabling drag and drop and setting it to bidirections.

Ubuntu x64 in Virtualbox has small screen


I recently created a new Ubuntu 14.04 in a virtualbox and it had a super small screen. I needed to install "guest additions"

I ran this:

But unfortunately it didn't get big right after a reboot. I ended up launching Xdiagnose from the Dash, and enabling all the options under the debug section.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Windows Update Endless Loop Booting Error

So I recently got into a terrible situation where my computer failed updates so I kept seeing the following two messages, even in safe mode:

Preparing to configure Windows….
Do not turn off your computer.

Failure configuring windows updates reverting changes….
Do not turn off your computer  

There were a LOT of posts, but none of them actually helped since most involved you being able to get into safe mode and I couldn't because I would see those messages. I found this reddit post that most effectively outlines my issue:  HERE

Another good reference HERE

A list of the things I tried just like the post:
  • Unplugged external media (including CD/DVD player) (Did nothing)
  • Boot into Last Known Good Configuration (Did nothing)
  • Delete cleanup.xml / pending.xml (they were not actually there)
  • Run SFC (failed stated that a recovery process had to run first)
  • System Restore (Probably would have worked but I didn't have any at the time) 
  • Windows 7 repair disc 

 Just like the guy in the reddit post, I basically left it alone after attempting to boot into safe mode with command prompt, 24 hours later, magically at the screen. Sorry, doesn't seem like I have a good solution either.

Monday, January 11, 2016

[Upgrade Selected] button in IP Status / Report IP is Grayed Out

So I made a quick change to my IP and found that the [upgraded selected] button was greyed out. As a typical Xilinx debug solution, exiting out of Vivado and reloading was the solution This AR report hints that whenever something is greyed out there is possibly a problem with the license.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Molecular Level Fallout 4 no faction alignment

I noticed the quest gave me the option to seek aid from a faction. Which seems to indicate you can do it yourself without seeking help. Turns out it is not intuitive to do it yourself. Basically you NEED to talk to a faction first and then do a few steps and it resets the quest progress.
  1.  After getting the plans from Virgil go to Desdemona 
  2. She tells you to talk to Tinker Tom
  3. Talk to him and listen to him talk about what you need 
  4. After he is finished talking, trade with him and get the schematics back 
  5. The quest will then reset and the Relay will appear in your workshop menu
Some other forums have posted the bonus of seeking help is they describe how to do everything.

Solution was originally mentioned on this page, unfortunately it only has 1 upvote :( Someone also mentions that it is not possible to do it with the minute men because he isn't a store normally so the schematics do not appear (haven't confirmed that though)