Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Play Arts Kai Commander Shepard Repaint

I went into this whole situation knowing that Commander Shepard from Play Arts Kai was bad, but man, his face was freaking AWFUL.  The figure itself is really cool and intricate, but damn, that face. The bottom line is the face is so terrible it completely breaks the figure.

Normally, I would never be so cocky as to repaint the face of a figure, but this was so bad, I had no choice.

Okay so take a look at the AmiAmi page for him

Okay so here is my shepard at the start

That's pretty freaking bad.

Okay and now here is me painting him

Here is him after!

 And Finally a Side by Side


  1. That's incredible, makes me consider grabbing one if I can recreate your excellence

  2. That's incredible, makes me consider grabbing one if I can recreate your excellence
