Sunday, December 9, 2018

mfplat.dll missing for Plex Server

I kept getting this pop-up after a windows update. The solution for me was found here: Link

  • Navigate to  
  • Select:  Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 version 1803

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Get to Any Google Cached Page

I needed to read a post that had been deleted and see all the pages in the thread. Even if you click the link in the cached version, it does not link to the cached version of that link, but the live version. To get to any google cached page you can enter the following:

You can access the cached version for any page that has been saved by Google with this:
Change to any URL. You can also create a custom search engine on Chromeor a Firefox keyword to go to cached versions automatically by adding a keyword before the current URL address.
 Source: link