Thursday, December 7, 2017

Game Bar Prevents Steam Overlay

When you first plug in an Xbox controller, you will see a pop-up for the game bar if you click the Xbox button. To turn off this feature so you can use the steam overlay in big picture mode do the following:

In Steam, press Win+G or Xbox button to open Game bar (choose "Yes, this is a game.")
Open the settings (cog icon) on Game bar and uncheck "Open Game bar using [Xbox logo] on a controller"
Uncheck "Remember this as a game" and Game bar should close
Now Game bar won't open when pressing the Xbox button anymore (seems to be global) and the Xbox button works as expected again in Big Picture mode. To open Game bar later, press Win+G.

Source: here

Sunday, October 15, 2017

When saving a word document all comments become by "Author"

As stated in the subject, it is hugely annoying when you are trying to review papers from multiple people that have been passing along a draft if this happens. You need to :

In Word 2010, go to File->Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings. Then, uncheck "Remove personal information from the file properties on save"
In Word 2013, it falls under File -> Options -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Settings... -> Privacy Options. It is found under the Document-specific settings section.
Source:  here

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Different Colors for Labels on Axis in Graph/Chart for Excel

I needed to come up with a way to have the labels different colors to add additional categorization my charts. I had seen a co-worker do this before, but he make several copies of the same graph with different colors and then just used paint to edit them. Turns out there is a much simpler answer here:

Short Ver.
  • Create a separate column for each colored label, and have the output be Zero or #N/A
  • Change the plot of these to "Line Chart"
  • Click on the label and select "Category Name" uncheck the rest
  • Under the labels set the alignment label position to "below" 
  • Click on the actual lines and hide them 
  • Change the color of the labels 
Okay, lets say you copied the chart and the labels disappeared. 
  •  Add the legend back if you removed it
  • Click on the legend marker for labels "it should still be there even if there is nothing" change the color so it appear son the graph
  • Right click on the line, and click "Add Data Labels" 
  • Now you can edit it just like above, just make sure to make the line no color again afterwards

Monday, July 24, 2017

Teamviewer still prompts for confirmation in saved computer contacts when unattended access is setup

The issue. I click connect, and it prompts the other computer for a idea why that started. This was the only computer that did it. You just, unfortunately have to uninstall and reinstall.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Google Mail (GMail) Back Up

Best tool for backing up all things Google is with something called Google Takeout. See an article describing it here:

You can directly access the location here:

Cannot Locate Contact after restoring the contact from "recently deleted" in GSuite

Another admin accidentally deleted an account instead of suspending it in GSuite. I went to "Recently Deleted Contacts" and restored the user, but was unable to find them in the Console under "Users." It turns out when you restore unfortunately, it won't appear in the console under "Users" until google propagates it which could take up to 24 hrs. If you want to check the status manually, go to "Admin Console" > " Apps" > "G Suite" > "Gmail" > "Email Addresses" Then you can see his account there, and suspend it.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

ISE Project Navigator crashes opening up a project

As stated in the subject, I ended up finding the solution here:

Running Windows 10 x64, Xilinx ISE 14.7

Pasted below for posterity

For everyone trying to use Xilinx ISE 14.5 in Windows 8 x64.

Rename libPortability.dll to libPortability.dll.orig, and copy libPortabilityNOSH.dll to libPortability.dll.

Do this in:
C:\Xilinx\14.5\ISE_DS\common\lib\nt64 (copy dll from first location)

This turns off SmartHeap.

This will fix ISE and iMPACT crashes on file dialogs.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Word Cross-Reference Pop-up Menu is not Appearing

Working on my journal and word isn't helping me out. Turns out there is a bug for multiple monitor setups:

You need to
  1. Close out all instances of Word
  2. Re-open the file
  3. Move Word to a different window
  4. Click on Cross References again

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Need to find which USPS has my Package?

I had a huge problem where USPS claimed there wasn't enough room in the mailroom to leave my package, so they took it back to the post office instead of leaving it at the door. They left a pink note....but didn't put the post office location on the back! When this happens you can do 2 things:
  1. call the 1-800 number and wait for 40 min to ask a person OR
The melissa data is actually crazy useful, I did both and turned out melissadata was right so I could have saved 40 min :( 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Gmail Multiple Inbox Not Displaying

I've been recently forced to do some migration of my main emails to another one. I decided to setup multiple inboxes in gmail following these instructions: here

Unfortunately it would not display, thankfully the solution was to turn off all the other tabs with exception to "primary" see here

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Xilinx Product Licensing Page

I can't ever find it :(

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Windows 10 Phone, Sync specific google calendar events

I recently used google calendar to work through some complicated scheduling. I needed to see and cross reference schedules, but I didn't want it all syncing to my phone. Turns out you can click this link and select which sync to the phone:

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Netgear N900 WiFi Router WNDR4500 Not Working, No Internet Connection, All Lights Good

Strange issue I had configuring my new N900. After I had my modem enabled I could directly connect a laptop with Ethernet to the modem and get internet, but for some reason the N900 did nothing despite all the lights being green. I was also unable to get to the Netgear Genie page.

Funny story, I called support for Netgear and they were so terrible, my issue got resolved! Turns out the N900 doesn't get the internet going for 15 - 20 min. I just had to wait.

So: If your N900 is not working, and you know it's not the modem try these steps

  • Turn Modem, Router, and Laptop / PC off 
  • Turn Modem back on, wait for internet connectivity light 
  • Turn on N900
  • Wait until all the lights are on and stead 
  • Do a factory reset by holding down the reset pin in the back down for longer than 7 seconds 
  • Let the N900 reset 
  • Wait until the lights are on again
  • Power off the N900
  • Power off the Modem
  • Wait 1 min
  • Power on the Modem, wait for internet connectivity light
  • Turn on N900
  • Seriously, go watch your favorite TV episode, cook a meal, do something else, and eventually the N900 starts working....
  • finish setup on

Word Figures and Tables Missing from Table of Contents, Figure and Table Numbers Skipped

Ran into a weird issue when working on a paper. For some reason the paper would skip Fig 2. I had recently made some edits and couldn't figure out why it just jumped from Fig 1. to Fig 3.

It turns out that Track Changes (Obviously turned on for my co-authors) completely messes with the labeling.


Post Below:

Well, I was finally able to answer my own question. the answer might be helpful to others. It turns out that change tracking was wreaking havoc with figure and table numbers in the cross reference lists. I finally went through and selectively accepted changes to all the figure and table titles and the missing figures reappeared in the list.

The problem is that when they go away in the list, they also disappear in the document because the reference IDs become stale, I suppose. So now I get to go through and find all the places I inserted one of the references that disappeared and reinsert it. Thank you Microsoft...