Thursday, March 29, 2012

HP Wireless Keyboard No longer Recognized by Touchpad

Hey guys,

So I had a problem where my touchpad no longer recognized my bluetooth keyboard. Here is how to fix it. Essentially you have to re-pair the keyboard.

1. Turn the keyboard off, that is the button is to the left if the keyboard is facing down
2. Go to the bluetooth settings
3. Go to + Add device and select keyboard
4. NOW switch the power on, that is the switch should be to the right if the keyboard is down
5. It will find it again, click pair

Yea took me a long time to figure it out since it was already listed under devices but greyed out

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mass Effect Miniatures and Skirmish Game

I was so inspired playing the mass effect multiplayer, I thought I would develop my own skirmish mass effect game with friends. Right now I am just matching miniatures. Here is what I have come up with

ME Unit: Manufacturer/Miniature

Alliance Marines (Humans): Infinity(Corvus Belli)/Celestial Guards Yu-Jing
Quarians: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Hassassin Lasiqs Haqqislam
Turians: Nothing Yet
Salarian: Nothing Yet
Krogan: Nothing Yet
Asari: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Speculo Killer Combined Army

Husks: Zombies / Warpath (Mantic Games)

Cannibals: I was thinking of something related to GW Nurgle or Warmachine / Bile Thralls

Marauders: Nothing Yet

Ravagers : Warmachine / Something from Cryx

Banshees : Nothing Yet

Brute : Warmachine / Something from Cryx

Assault Trooper : Corporation Marines / Warpath (Mantic Games)

Centurion : Corporation Marine Rangers / Marpath (Mantic Games)

Guardian : : Nothing Yet

Nemesis :: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Dasyus Aleph

Phantom :: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Zeros Nomads

Atlas :: Nothing Yet

Geth Anything: I have absolutely no clue what miniatures to use for geth!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Niche Miniature Gaming

I'll admit, I am a huge fan of buying miniatures. I love collecting them, and I love painting them. I always feel inspired to board game it up after watching an awesome movie or game. Most recently I have been Inspired by Mass Effect 3. In this post I will list out some popular board games or miniature brands and what purpose I like playing for them, also only brands I have purchased. I am also going to categorize them by the main Nerd Genres.

Best Places to Pick These Up!


Big Battle

  • Warhammer Fantasy (Obviously) - The tons of regiment boxes can proxy in for anything!
  • Mordheim
  • Super Dungeon Explore - More Expansions Please!
  • Dungeon and Dragons
Miniature Brands
  • Reaper TON of Miniatures
  • Kingdom Death
  • Wargods (If you like Ancient Greeks - I got a box of spartans from them)
  • Guild of Harmony
  • Avatars of War
Science Fiction

Big Battle

  • Warhammer 40k
  • Warmachine (Want to Try)
  • MERCs (Want to Try)
  • Sedition Wars (Want to Try)
  • Infinity the Game (Want to Try) - Free Rules Download on their site,
  • Hell Dorado (Want to Try)

Big Battle

  • I don't know of any D:
  • Anima Tactics
  • Relic Knights (No Rules Yet just Miniatures)
Other Games I want to Try:
  • Hordes
  • Malifaux
Zombie? / Modern

  • I use some miniatures in the reaper line at scifigenre, and warhammer zombies

What miniatures have I been buying Lately?

80% - Kingdom Death - I freaking love these minis, unfortunately they are pricey but the world is unlike any other and I have a little bit of that dark side in me!
10% - Guild of Harmony - Surprisingly I bought a bunch of these, they have some really great pieces
10% - Anima Tactics - I just picked up a few cool ones to satisfy my anime crave