Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kingdom Death Kickstarter

Alright, I must admit it. I LOVE the world Adam Poots has created in Kingdom Death. I have a huge collection of the miniatures. Yes I use to bitch about the costs but lets face it...KD is definitely worth it.

Anyway to get to the point Mr. Poots just lunched a kickstarter for Kingdom death. Do it or you suck, end of story.

CouponDropDown in Google Chrome Removal

I had a friend that kept getting these adds in all of his websites. I found another site that helped me remove it for him:

Take a look!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Windows Family Safety and Installing Programs Remotely

Alright so Family Safety is cool for monitoring your kids, but what if you are away and they need to install something? It doesn't put up a request for permission thing, so you can just do it through EasyConnect option in remote assistance. (Access Remote Assistance by typing in Remote in the search bar of the start menu and it comes up)

Anyway the problem with doing it this way is that the Admin cannot type anything into the UAC when it pops up. All you have to do is the following so you can remotely type in the password in UAC.

The option you want is this:
User Account Control: Allow UIAccess applications to prompt for elevation without using the secure desktop  

but when I searched for it, it only appeared under Windows GPO settings for Windows Server. You can remotely do it with the registry.

type in regedit in the search from the start menu.

Navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System : EnableUIADesktopToggle

Then enable it by typing 1. You should now be able to type into the UAC window when helping in Remote Assistance.


Code 800B0100 Windows 7 x64 Windows Update Error

Hi guys,

   So I have got this error twice when updating computers and it is really frustrating. Here is how you can solve it:

  1. Either try to use the Fix-it tool here:
  2. AND/OR try this for Windows Update itself:
Hope this helps! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

[Constraints 18-5] Cannot loc instance signal is neither single nor differential

If you get the following error:

[Constraints 18-5] Cannot loc instance 'my_signal' at site X#, Site location is not valid 'my_signal' is neither single nor differential.

1. Open XPS, Clean  All Generated Files
2. Do a Design Rule Check
3. Generate Netlist
4. Exit XPS
5. Delete the Top Level in Plan ahead, re create it.

OH. And don't forget to clean and rebuild the BSP, if you are having this problem it is very likely to added some component to the project and it is not appearing in xparameters.h

Good Luck.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

WARNING: Pack:2515 - LUT-1 inverter failed to join the OLOGIC comp matched to output buffer

So yea, I do some work with Dev Boards for my research projects.

I ran into this frustrating warning:

WARNING:Pack:2515 - The LUT-1 inverter
   "fmc_imageov_dvi_out_0/fmc_imageov_dvi_out_0/dvi_reset_n_t1_INV_0" failed to
   join the OLOGIC comp matched to output buffer
   "fmc_imageov_dvi_out_0/fmc_imageov_dvi_out_0/OBUFT_dvi_reset_n".  This may
   result in suboptimal timing.  The LUT-1 inverter
   fmc_imageov_dvi_out_0/fmc_imageov_dvi_out_0/dvi_reset_n_t1_INV_0 drives
   multiple loads.

for multiple pins.

If you get this, you simply need to make sure you don't have any combinatorial logic in the T (enable signal obviously)

First saw something similar here:

 It really sounds like the enable function itself is not
coming from a register, but from combinatorial logic that can't be pushed into the IOB.  As long
as the output enable comes directly from a register, then pushing it into the IOB should work.

Just make the change and register the signal.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Backup IMAP email to local computer using Outlook 2007


So back in the day I use to have POP3 which automatically downloads the email from the email server and deletes it on the server leaving only your local copy. Well unfortunately for me the school toasted the POP3 server so I only have IMAP. The problem is my webmail is crappy and now I am running out of space on the server. Here are some quick instructions to back everything up to a local machine with outlook 2007. Also make sure to back up this file!

  1. Right Click on your "Personal Folders"
  2. Select "New Folder..."
  3. Enter the name and leave "Folder Contains" "Mail and Post Items"
  4. Now Select the mail in the IMAP email folder (Ctrl-A) or any way you please, "Move to Folder" and select that new folder you made!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Compile Error: relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32

If you get this error do the following:

The error normally occurs when compiling a code whose static data structures exceed 2G in size. If your code requires static data structures in excess of 2G, the code must be recompiled and linked using the medium memory controller model. The flag -mcmodel=medium must be added to all compiler and linker commands.

Original Source: 


Monday, April 23, 2012

QuickOffice will not launch on HP Touchpad after Update

So I had the weird issue where my Quickoffice would just hang on the loading screen after a supposed "update" Here is how to fix it:

1. Go to main app menu "Apps" Tab
2. Click and hold on the quickoffice icon
3. Click the 'X' when it appears to uninstall
4. Go to "Settings" tab > Device Info and click restart
5. Go to "Settings" tab > Software Manager and click the button that says you have an update.
6. Quickoffice should now successfully reinstall

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mass Effect Miniatures: Asari Commando (Infinity)

Hey Guys!

I just wanted to show off my Asari I just made. As you know I have been addicted to the mass effect multiplayer. I have been putting together miniatures to do mass effect themed skirmish battles. Here is what I have for now! Please forgive the camera glare and such, I took it from my Lg-Quantum phone on top of a coffee cup. /sigh

Top images are the source material from Mass effect and various artists. The bottom pictures are my converted Agulaciles Nomad from Infinity the game!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

HP Wireless Keyboard No longer Recognized by Touchpad

Hey guys,

So I had a problem where my touchpad no longer recognized my bluetooth keyboard. Here is how to fix it. Essentially you have to re-pair the keyboard.

1. Turn the keyboard off, that is the button is to the left if the keyboard is facing down
2. Go to the bluetooth settings
3. Go to + Add device and select keyboard
4. NOW switch the power on, that is the switch should be to the right if the keyboard is down
5. It will find it again, click pair

Yea took me a long time to figure it out since it was already listed under devices but greyed out

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mass Effect Miniatures and Skirmish Game

I was so inspired playing the mass effect multiplayer, I thought I would develop my own skirmish mass effect game with friends. Right now I am just matching miniatures. Here is what I have come up with

ME Unit: Manufacturer/Miniature

Alliance Marines (Humans): Infinity(Corvus Belli)/Celestial Guards Yu-Jing
Quarians: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Hassassin Lasiqs Haqqislam
Turians: Nothing Yet
Salarian: Nothing Yet
Krogan: Nothing Yet
Asari: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Speculo Killer Combined Army

Husks: Zombies / Warpath (Mantic Games)

Cannibals: I was thinking of something related to GW Nurgle or Warmachine / Bile Thralls

Marauders: Nothing Yet

Ravagers : Warmachine / Something from Cryx

Banshees : Nothing Yet

Brute : Warmachine / Something from Cryx

Assault Trooper : Corporation Marines / Warpath (Mantic Games)

Centurion : Corporation Marine Rangers / Marpath (Mantic Games)

Guardian : : Nothing Yet

Nemesis :: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Dasyus Aleph

Phantom :: Infinity(Corvus Belli)/ Zeros Nomads

Atlas :: Nothing Yet

Geth Anything: I have absolutely no clue what miniatures to use for geth!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Niche Miniature Gaming

I'll admit, I am a huge fan of buying miniatures. I love collecting them, and I love painting them. I always feel inspired to board game it up after watching an awesome movie or game. Most recently I have been Inspired by Mass Effect 3. In this post I will list out some popular board games or miniature brands and what purpose I like playing for them, also only brands I have purchased. I am also going to categorize them by the main Nerd Genres.

Best Places to Pick These Up!


Big Battle

  • Warhammer Fantasy (Obviously) - The tons of regiment boxes can proxy in for anything!
  • Mordheim
  • Super Dungeon Explore - More Expansions Please!
  • Dungeon and Dragons
Miniature Brands
  • Reaper TON of Miniatures
  • Kingdom Death
  • Wargods (If you like Ancient Greeks - I got a box of spartans from them)
  • Guild of Harmony
  • Avatars of War
Science Fiction

Big Battle

  • Warhammer 40k
  • Warmachine (Want to Try)
  • MERCs (Want to Try)
  • Sedition Wars (Want to Try)
  • Infinity the Game (Want to Try) - Free Rules Download on their site,
  • Hell Dorado (Want to Try)

Big Battle

  • I don't know of any D:
  • Anima Tactics
  • Relic Knights (No Rules Yet just Miniatures)
Other Games I want to Try:
  • Hordes
  • Malifaux
Zombie? / Modern

  • I use some miniatures in the reaper line at scifigenre, and warhammer zombies

What miniatures have I been buying Lately?

80% - Kingdom Death - I freaking love these minis, unfortunately they are pricey but the world is unlike any other and I have a little bit of that dark side in me!
10% - Guild of Harmony - Surprisingly I bought a bunch of these, they have some really great pieces
10% - Anima Tactics - I just picked up a few cool ones to satisfy my anime crave

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Adding a User Defined Language to Notepad++

If you have notepad++ and you want to add a new language to it try these steps.

1. Go to and find the language you want and save that xml file.

2. Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ if you are on windows 7

3. Drop that xml file into the folder and rename it to just userDefineLang.xml

4. Go to Notepad++ [Language] and it should be there at the bottom

Kingdom Death - Miniature Review

Okay first I have to say I hate Kingdom Death.... why? BECAUSE ADAM POOTS (owner of KD) MAKES ME BROKE.

Recently, I have pretty much purchased every miniature in the line. They are really expensive. But Really, really cool! I love the ideas and world he is trying to create. The concepts for the miniatures are very dark and twisted!

The Forsaker Pictured Below

The Wet Nurse

So how are the miniatures? Well they are all cast out of resin for the most part (you can get metal versions of some). Very detailed and a lot of fun to paint. They are slightly taller than your standard 28mm or 32mm running at 35mm.

So lets break it down real quick:

Pros -

  • Miniatures look awesome.
  • Packaging and Presentation is top of the line
  • Comes with concept art and collectors cards
Cons -
  • A Bunch of the Miniatures are collectors editions at the moment and it is hard to get a hold of them (see the Wet nurse!)
  • Expensive (KD Minis run from 25-90$)
  • Delicate, I have pretty much broken EVERY weapon that came with the miniature unintentionally. I also had a really bad cast with the pinup forsaker, lower half of her face was missing, but I resculpted it and now it is fine.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Touchpad Won't Turn on

Okay so I had this weird situation where the touchpad would not turn on. Here's the quick fix:

  1. Hold the power button down for 20 seconds
  2. OR. Hold the power button AND the black button in the middle (Same combination you use to take a screenshot) down for 20 seconds
Original Source: Here